Friday, May 15, 2009

5 Weeks To A 5K For Intermediates

If your a moderately experienced runner and want to start competing and try dipping your feet into the 5K race, then this is a good guideline training plan for you. To be able to do this correctly, you have to be able to run 5 miles comfortably. If you are yet there just work on slowly building your endurance by increasing your mileage no more than 10% per week and you will be at this level in no time.

This plan (by Chris Carmichael) will involve easy mileage, strides, core workouts, and Steady State runs.

Easy Mileage is running at about 60% intensity.

Strides are about 100 - 150 yards long or about (20 seconds). These are meant to be done hard and just a notch lower than a sprint. It is best to do these on a school track or football or soccer field.

Core Workouts involve strengthening your core muscles (i.e. abdominal region, lower back, etc.) For these work on push ups, sit ups, crunches and anything else you find helpful. Having a strong core is mandatory to become a faster runner.

Steady State Runs (SS) are intervals or runs at 70 - 80%. It is crucial that you take a 5 minute rest by jogging easy before starting the next interval.

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