Monday, May 4, 2009

Proper Running Shoes

Proper running shoes are a must-have to protect your body from the impact from the ground. In comparison, a runner's shoes are like a football player's helmet. To keep your body healthy and up and running, you need a good pair of shoes.

Now to start off, get an actual running shoe. Not a cross trainer, walking shoe, or anything else. Only a true running shoe will do. Get a good name brand. Some good brands are Asics, Nike(Bowerman Series ONLY), Saucony, Brooks, and Mizuno. If you need a wide or narrow make sure to check into Asics and Brooks.

Now just because a shoe is from one of these companies does not always meen that it is a great quality running shoe. Many of the larger companies like Nike, Asics, and New Balance will make thousands of diffrent types of shoes, much of which are cheap shoes that are made to be found at your local discount shoe store. These shoes will be priced very cheap and will look great but are not made well enough to protect your body from impact. On another note it is best to shop at a specilty running store if there is one in your area. If you do not have a running store in your area then pay attention.

A Good quality shoe generaly starts at around $90 and can go all the way up to $200. For most runners a shoe around $100 will be fine. What do you get for your money? A good qualtiy runnin shoe will last up to 400 miles of running on average. A cheaper quality shoe usually will bearly squeek out 100 miles and can cause injuries. Its much better to go with the more expensive shoe. Your feet will thank you.

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