Sunday, May 10, 2009

Why You Should Go A Full Size Larger

(Courtesy of Luke's Locker Shopper)

If you look at each 3rd toe, they are black. In most cases this is caused by running in shoes that are too small for you feet. What happens is one each step of running when you toe off on one foot, all your weight and force is put on your toes and they are forced forward. If there is not enough room for you toes, they will butt up against the edge of you shoes. When this happens after every step, you toes will start to form blisters on the edge of the toes or right under the nail. After awhile they will form into blood blisters that are built up under the nail. This will cause the nails to appear black from the blood. After about a 3 month time period, the black nail will fall off. It is best to try to keep it on as long as possible because a new nail is forming underneath.

In most cases this can easily be fixed by going another half to full size up. Black toenails usually are not painful, but are not fun to have. Save yourself the issue and make sure you are in the right size. In a proper running shoe you want to have a full thumbnails length from your longest toe to the edge of the shoe.
This will keep you toes from hitting the edge of the shoe when running.

If you heels start to slip because of going up to a larger size, then try the Runner's Loop

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