Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Random Tips, Tricks, and Facts about Running

Here are some random Tips and Tricks that I find useful

1. If you are having problems with blistering, put ducktape over the blister before you run.

2. When training make sure not to increase you training for the next week more than 10%
(If you run 10 miles a week, your next week should not exceed 11 miles)

3. After a run make sure to get a good some sort of nutrition, like a banana, protein bar, smoothie, or recovery drink, within 30 min. after the workout ended. In this time period the body will soak up the most nutrients and will speed up recovery.

4. Most injuries can be avoided by staying hydrated. When the body is hydrated, it is less likely to pull a muscle, have soreness, and even can prevent injuries like shin splints and knee pain.

5. Your actual running shoe size is a full size larger than you casual shoe size. You should have a full thumbnail length space at the end of you shoes.

6. When running, you impact on you legs will be anywhere from 5-8 x your body weight.

7. Most quality Running shoes will last, on average, for 400 miles.

8. It is best not to stretch before a run. First warm up for about 5 min. then take a break to stretch. It is especially important to stretch well after a long distance run. This will decrease soreness.

9. Wearing synthetic material socks, opposed to cotton socks (cotton = bad), will keep your feet dry and will keep your shoes from smelling as bad.

10. A runner needs to consume around 120 ounces of water, or water-like fluids ( gatoraid, poweraid, teas, and so on (Not sodas or milk)). This will keep the body functioning optimally.

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