Sunday, May 24, 2009

How To Deal With Plantar Fasciitis

According to wikipedia, Plantar fasciitis is a painful inflammatory condition of the foot caused by excessive wear to the plantar fascia or plantar aponeurosis that supports the arches of the foot or by biomechanical faults that cause abnormal pronation.

What this basically means is that the ligament in your foot that runs under the arch has been strained or irritated. Because of this there will be a very sharp pain in the heel region and will feel like your arch is cramping. This pain is usually felt after waking up or after running and then the pain will lighten up. This is because the ligament is being pulled tightly when sleeping or during rest and putting weight on your feet will stretch this out and cause the pain.

How plantar is caused: excessive pronation, very high arches or flat feet, standing for long periods of time on a hard surface, running on a hard surface, being overweight, your calf muscles or Achilles tendons are very tight, or not being in proper shoes.

The best way to fix plantar is to keep the arch from becoming relaxed and allowing it to tighten up. The time when the arch relaxes the most is when you are asleep and this is the best time to stop it. If you have the ability, buy the strasburg sock. This is a knee high sock that has a strap that pulls the toes up towards the knee to keep the arch from relaxing and is meant to be worn while you sleep. You first start with the strap just tight enough to where your arch is not able to relax and then slowly tighten it after a few nights. Depending on the severity of the plantar, I have heard that it heals it completely in as soon as 3 days. Of course this is not every case, but the longest time that I have heard of would be a month. I have never heard of this sock not working for someone. A must buy if you want the pain gone immediately.

Other remedies include stretching the calf muscle, buying a pair of shoes with a stability post, freezing a water bottle and then rolling the arch over it for a few min a day, staying off of hard surfaces as much as possible, and give your feet some rest.

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